Skin Tags and Wart Removal

Skin Tags and Wart Removal

Many people suffer from lumps or bumps on the surface of their skin or inside the skin layers. These skin abnormalities may be classified as skin tags, skin warts or skin moles and can be easily removed by one of our experts for health and aesthetic reasons.

Our skin warts and skin mole treatments are chosen primarily for aesthetic reasons, but from time to time special medical attention is required. In the case of cysts and ganglions, a removal may be necessary if they are causing other symptoms.

What are Skin Tags, Moles and Warts?

Skin Tags: A skin tag is a common type of skin growth that looks like a piece of hanging skin and most often develops on the neck, underarms, eyelids and under the breasts often as a result of clothing rubbing against the skin. Most skin tags are acquired, although some people are born with them.

While skin tags are not cancerous and don't cause problems unless they are continuously irritated, many people choose to have them removed for precautionary or cosmetic purposes. There are several different ways to effectively remove skin tags, including freezing, burning and removing with scissors. Small tags may be removed without the use of anaesthesia, while larger ones may require a local aesthetic.

Moles: Moles and other birthmarks are benign pigmented spots or patches of skin that range in colour from tan, brown and black (moles) to red, pink or purple (vascular lesions, such as strawberry hemangiomas or port wine stains). Though most birthmarks are harmless, they may develop into cancer. Moles exhibiting any of the following warning signs should be examined by a professional immediately:

  • Larger than six millimeters.
  • Itches or bleeds.
  • Rapidly changes in colour, size or shape.
  • Has multiple colours.
  • Is located where it can't be easily monitored, such as on the scalp.

Depending on their depth, location and colour, as well as the patient’s skin type, age and other factors, treatment for benign but unattractive birthmarks may take the form of laser or pulsed light therapy, microdermabrasion or surgical excision.

Warts:Warts are skin growths caused by viruses. Different warts respond to different treatments; some go away on their own. Salicylic acid products (in the form of drops, gels, pads and bandages) can help self-treatment of many warts by dissolving the keratin protein that makes up the wart and the dead skin above it. Others can be removed via liquid nitrogen freezing or electrical stimulation. Surgery may be recommended for painful or large warts that do not respond to these treatments. Laser or pulsed light therapy is most commonly used.

What is Mole, Wart & Skin Tag Removal Procedure:

Laser treatment can be used on warts anywhere on the body, including venereal warts. Other methods of treatment (freezing, burning acid) can be very painful and ineffective. Laser treatment coagulates the wart without creating an open wound. The wart just dries up. Skin tags or polyps, and other wart-like skin growths are also treated by laser.

Most common treatment areas include fingers, hands, face, feet and genitals. In some cases, biopsy of the lesion is required prior to removal to confirm diagnosis.

To remove the wart, the laser energy is focused directly on the wart tissue. The majority of laser light bypasses the upper layers ("epidermis") of the skin, and concentrates on the tiny blood vessels that feed the wart near the "dermis" of the skin.

Procedure Advantages:

Wart removal with the laser is a breeze. Laser wart treatment is safe, effective and fast treatment.

Technology involved:

Laser/ pulsed light therapy is used.